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Jean Anderson - PMP
Lead Writer
Project Manager

Email Jean Anderson
Phone: 831-685-1041


Services Description

Top notch writing professional services, from expert planning through production, including project management.

Project Management

Project proposals that describe writing deliverables that meet the specific client requirements, followed by a custom project plan that defines the milestones, deliverables, and schedule.

Technical Content

Technical product collateral including specifications, procedures (IT Data Center, development, office), web content, manuals, Knowledgebase articles, and manuals.

To develop content, Ms. Anderson models previous successes using a combination of research, interviews Subject Matter Experts, demonstrations, research, source documents, expertise, and experience.

Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity Content

Disaster recovery and business continutiy content includes plans, policies, procedures, web content and training. Ms. Anderson uses a combination of best practices, experience, expertise, research, Subject Matter Experts, and demonstrations.


To support corporate or message branding and unify content, Ms. Anderson often develops Microsoft Word templates to produce PDF files and Web formats for posting to the Internet and company Intranet.

Web Skills

In addition to web content, Ms. Anderson can update existing portal websites, Twikis, SharePoint sites, and Knowledgebase articles.